FAQ Page

    Can we put in an above-ground pool?
    No permanent inflatable pools are permitted, refer to the deed restrictions and bylaws.

    Who does the snow removal?
    The county does the snow removal on all streets in the subdivision.

    If we want to put in a pool, who do we contact?
    Pools are approved by the Association Board Contact Bill Shannon at KMS Property Management

    How are my dues allocated?
    Maintenance and beautification of the front entrance and common areas. Common areas include the sides of the creek, the large playground area, the white four board fence along front of the subdivision, the curbs and the island and much of the road sides.

    What is the history behind Barnhill Cemetery in Clarke Pointe?
    William Barnhill, (1785-1852) from North Carolina participated in the Battle of New Orleans. He later came to settle in the southern part of Oldham County now known as Ballardsville. His wife, Ruth Boone, also from North Carolina, was cousin to the frontiersman, Daniel Boone. The grandson of William Barnhill, James W. Barnhill, along with a partner established the La Grange Woolen-mills. The Barnhill’s were mostly farmers and owned this property as well as acreage in the area almost to the Henry County line at one time. Barnhill Cemetery is located on your left just before you go up the hill.

    Who do we contact if we have problems with cars parked in the street?
    The county owns our roads. Contact the Road Department if you have problems with people parking in the street.

    Who gives approval for additions such as garages, pools, and fences?
    The CPHOA board of directors approves all requests at our monthly meetings posted under events. Print and complete request forms to bring to meeting for review and approval.

    How much are homeowner's dues?
    Homeowner's dues are $300 per year. Statements for annual dues will be sent on Jan. 1st and will be due on February 1st with late fees assessed on February 2nd.

    Where do we get our mailboxes fixed or replaced?
    US Post is our vendor who supplies mailboxes, flags and numbers. Their phone number is 502-245-0087. They will deliver any order to your door. All homeowners are responsible for maintaining and replacing boxes, flags and numbers.

    When is the annual meeting?
    In February with an official letter regarding date and time mailed to each homeowner.

    Who gives approval for fences?
    The Clarke Pointe Homeowners' Board members. Contact Bill Shannon at

    Where do I send the dues?
    Make checks payable to CPHOA and send to Bill Shannon at KMS Property Management P.O. Box 791 Goshen, Kentucky 40026